So Cidnee says,

Hey, so I've got a real good one for you guys. I've been crushing on this one guy for sometime now, and I think he likes me back... My best friend is the boy crazy type, and he is her guy of the moment. There's a Sadie Hawkins dance coming up and I really wanted to ask him, but so does she. What do I do?

That's a great question and one that comes up a lot. Our first suggestion is make sure that your friend knows you like this guy, if she doesn't know there will be no hesitation to ask him. Next talk to her about it, give her the facts, tell her that you have liked him for a while and really think he likes you back. Tell her why you think he likes you and all the things you really like about him, be careful not to anger her by saying that she likes a new guy every week, you should never attack her, compromise is not achieved by anger. Be sure to talk to her in person if possible, over the internet or via text often creates unnecessary arguments. 

Try your best to get the ok from your friend to ask him to the dance, you don't want this to get between you do you?

If you get the ok then go ahead and ask him, just gather up your courage.

If she doesn't think its ok and thinks she still deserves him let her know that you really do want to ask him and that you don't mean to insult her in any way if you do. If she is a good friend she can at least try to understand. Don't make this a competition, it isn't about you vs. her its you and him. So go and ask him, don't miss your chance. 

We wish you luck,

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